The principle of fat burning and the introduction of exercise, mastery can be less detours

When it comes to the term fat burning, I believe that most urban white-collar workers have heard of it, we all know that it is a professional term related to we...

Nov 10,2023 | Elaine

The principle of fat burning and the introduction of exercise, mastery can be less detours

When it comes to the term fat burning, I believe that most urban white-collar workers have heard of it, we all know that it is a professional term related to weight loss, but if you want to explore it in depth, not many people know about it. In fact, since the popularity of weight loss around the world, people have been trying all kinds of methods, but the results are always unsatisfactory, which directly affects their motivation. As to why the results are not satisfactory, the main reason is that they do not know how to burn the excess fat in the body correctly.

What is the meaning of burning fat

Since the poor results of weight loss is related to the fact that people do not grasp the correct key points, it is worthwhile to understand what is fat burning. Simply put, it means that by increasing exercise, the body's oxygen consumption rises, thus increasing the consumption of fat, and ultimately achieving the effect of weight loss. Due to excessive intake of sugar and lack of exercise, fat is stored in the organs and muscles, leading to obesity. Therefore, if you choose the right type of exercise and increase the amount of exercise, you can achieve the effect of burning fat.

How Fat Burning Works

In order to burn fat, glycogen has to be burned first, and the whole process should start with burning glycogen in the muscle, then glucose in the blood, then glycogen in the liver, and finally neutral fat in the blood. Exercise intensity needs to be greater than 85% of oxygen uptake for the body to utilize glycogen as the primary energy source, with fat as a secondary source. When the intensity of exercise reaches a certain level, fat will become the main energy consumption with the extension of time.

Introduction to Fat Burning Exercise

Low-intensity exercise cannot really burn fat, so you have to choose high-intensity training methods, even if you need to achieve high energy consumption in a short period of time, and to further reduce the body fat rate with short breaks. Exercises that fulfill the above criteria can be chosen from Bobbi jumps, leg lifts, reverse curls, etc. Participants do not have to choose all the exercises, but only need to repeat between one or two movements, or alternate training through different movements.


Fat Burning

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